was co-foundedby Robert Gunderman P.E. and John Hammond P.E. The mission of is to provide relevant, practical and cost effective educational information on various patent law related topics. provides information on our series of patent courses, and also contains the entire collection of our ongoing patent column, "The Limited MonopolyTM," which is published monthly in the Rochester Engineer.
In addition to furthering knowledge in various patent related topics, many of our PatentEducation™ courses provide licensed Professional Engineers with opportunities to meet state-mandated Continuing Education requirements. These topics are generally not well covered in university engineering curricula, in spite of the major role engineers and scientists play in inventing new products, commercializing them, and creating new wealth for the benefit of themselves, their family, their shareholders, and society in general.
It is our hope that the knowledge gained through our courses, articles, and web site will promote sustainable economic growth through a better understanding of how intellectual property can be a major element in the asset bases of today's growth companies, and the processes involved in building patent portfolios to create and grow those asset bases.